The Transfiguration in Matthew Sketchnote
Following the climax of the narrative and themes in Matthew.
A couple of years ago I was taking my first course at Bible College: Intro to The New Testament.
One of our main tasks was to read the Gospel of Matthew multiple times and then analyse the Transfiguration using a combination textural, cultural and historical context.
After we presented our discoveries, the professor highlighted some details we had all missed about the themes and call backs in the Gospel of Matthew that occur in this one scene.
So I made this sketchnote.
It shows the climax of the transfiguration text “This is my beloved son, listen to him”. That’s like, but different from the voice at Jesus’ baptism as it adds “listen to him”.
Before the transfiguration the disciples say he is the messiah but don’t get that he must suffer, after they are distressed that he must suffer and die.
It seems they finally listened to him.