If Jesus defeated sin, why do we still sin?
If the Holy Spirit was poured out on Christians, why aren’t there more miracles?
These are just a couple of the questions that often come up when we try to understand our current state in the World as Christians. While there are different views out there, the most dominant is “the now & not yet”. While groups interpret this idea differently, they mostly agree with the high-level conclusion.
The now and not yet says the kingdom of God IS here, now. Jesus DID conquer death and sin on the Cross and won the ultimate victory. Therefore we are in the end times (the eschaton).
But, we do not yet live in the complete fulfilment of that reality. That’s why we still have sin, the devil is still active and there is another end of this world to come.
The typical illustration is the D-Day landings.
After the Allies landed, it was only a matter of time before the German forces were completely destroyed — the victory was won, and yet there was still resistance from those forces.
It’s not a perfect analogy, (nor history!) but the idea does help us understand the concept.
The details I included/excluded
As I said, the details are debated and I went with my perspective/one that gives options.
First of all, the starting point of the now and not yet. I started with Jesus ministry, not the cross. I don’t think this is that controversial based on what Jesus says
“…today this is fulfilled in your hearing” Luke 4:21 NIV
“Repend, for the Kingdom of God is at hand” Matthew 3:2 (NIV)
The more controversial is the ending.
I’ve not included any signs of the rapture/millennial etc. This happens to fit my (current) amillennialism view but I’d also argue you can still find it useful if you hold to pre-/post-millennialism as it’s just a detail that’s not specified.
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I always welcome feedback and correction especially in theology. We may not agree in the end, but I will do my best to both listen to your critiques and use scripture to reach the right conclusion.