And in the same region there were shepherds out in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. And an angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were filled with great fear. And the angel said to them, ‘Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.'"
Luke 2:8-14 ESV
Indulge me for a second and imagine you were an ordinary Israelite 2000 years ago.
You probably worked as a farmer or in a trade — no knowledge work back then! Your country was ruled by the Romans, whom you had to pay taxes and follow their rules. Maybe you were waiting for the promised Messiah to come, but maybe you’d given up on all that.
Now imagine you were a shepherd, one of the lowest positions in society. You didn’t own the sheep, you just kept them safe for their owners. It’s a cold night, and then it happens.
Angels appear. They say that the long-awaited Messiah IS here. The thing you had hoped for, maybe given up on had happened!
A night like any other had be transformed by God’s presence in the world.
Like the shepherds, we often find ourselves focused on our daily humdrum. We might also be waiting on God, or even giving up on God ever acting. The Shepherd’s joy reminds us that extraordinary Joy is available for us at any moment — Christ’s coming is the most joyous celebration of all.
And that joy is available for us at all times.
Application: Find Joy with God in the ordinary moments
As you are going about your regular routine, stop and invite God in. Ask him to guide your attention. Appreciate the gifts he has given you (provision, some kind words, the wonders of nature, the arrival of Christ).
You might like to write them down in a journal so you have a bank of joy to turn to, especially when times are harder.
(Suggestion: Light the third Advent candle of joy as you pray.)
Father, thank you for the wonderful gifts you give us every day. Life, provision, friends, family, this amazing world to live in, and especially the relationship with you through your Son. Fill our hearts with the same joy the shepherds felt that Christmas night. And help us to share that joy with those around us this Advent season. Amen,
Thank you for sharing in this joyful week of Advent. Next week, we will explore the theme of love as we light the fourth candle.
Joyful blessings,